Hydrologic observation

Hydrologic observation


폭우로 인하여 많은 비가 내리면 하천에 홍수 발생 가능성이 증가하므로 정확한 관측이 필요합니다. 이에 수문관측장비 및 통신 등을 시스템으로 구축하여 홍수에 대비하고 있습니다. 이렇게 관측된 자료는 수자원관리에 활용되고 있으며, 댐의 저수량 통제에 활용되고 있습니다. 현재 전국에는 한국수자원공사를 필두로 많은 지역에서 수문관측을 수행하고 있으며, 기후변화에 의한 영향 등에 의해 관측지역은 점점 더 증가하고 있습니다. 이러한 측면에서 많은 인적 물적 피해 저감에 앞장서고 있습니다.

1.1 압력식 수위계(Pressure Level Sensor)

The OTT PLS measures water level, depth to water, or pressure by means of an integrated controller and ceramic pressure-measuring cell. Design features such as multiple communication outputs (SDI-12 or 4 ... 20 mA), stainless steel housing, and a rugged cable make this sensor ideal for monitoring water level in a variety of applications.

  Application :
Surface water, Groundwater
  Measurement technology :
Vented pressure cell
  Parameters measured :
Water level, Pressure, Temperature
  Product Highlights :
Water level and temperature measurement - for use with external data logger
  Measurement range :
0 … 4, 10, 20, 40, and 100 m
  Accuracy :
± 0.05% FS
  Internal data logger :
  Interface :
SDI-12, RS-485 (using SDI-12), or 4 … 20 mA

1.2 레이다 유속계(Surface Velocity Radar)

OTT SVR 100 is a simple, non-contact, compact surface water velocity radar sensor. Designed for measuring flow in open channels and rivers where reliable velocity data is required continuously, during floods or periods of high concentrations of suspended sediments.

The sensor is mounted above the water surface, away from floating debris using a flexible bracket for vertical or horizontal installation. Velocity measurements and sensor status information from the integrated vibration and tilt sensor is available via SDI-12 over RS-485 and Modbus. It is also compatible with OTT Prodis 2 software for system calibration.

  Usage Type :
Fixed installation
  Product Highlights :
Identify data influenced by sensor movement (e.g., wind, traffic) using meta data from integrated vibration and tilt sensors
  Application fields :
Non-contact surface velocity radar
  Internal data logger :
  Measurement range :
0.08 ... 15 m/s (0.26 … 49 ft./s)


폭우로 인하여 많은 비가 내리면 하천에 홍수 발생 가능성이 증가하므로 정확한 관측이 필요합니다. 이에 수문관측장비 및 통신 등을 시스템으로 구축하여 홍수에 대비하고 있습니다. 이렇게 관측된 자료는 수자원관리에 활용되고 있으며, 댐의 저수량 통제에 활용되고 있습니다. 현재 전국에는 한국수자원공사를 필두로 많은 지역에서 수문관측을 수행하고 있으며, 기후변화에 의한 영향 등에 의해 관측지역은 점점 더 증가하고 있습니다. 이러한 측면에서 많은 인적 물적 피해 저감에 앞장서고 있습니다.

1.1 압력식 수위계(Pressure Level Sensor)

The OTT PLS measures water level, depth to water, or pressure by means of an integrated controller and ceramic pressure-measuring cell. Design features such as multiple communication outputs (SDI-12 or 4 ... 20 mA), stainless steel housing, and a rugged cable make this sensor ideal for monitoring water level in a variety of applications.

Application :
Surface water, Groundwater
technology :

Vented pressure cell
measured :
Water level, Pressure, Temperature
Highlights :
Water level and temperature measurement - for use with external data logger
range :
0 … 4, 10, 20, 40, and 100 m
Accuracy :
± 0.05% FS
data logger :
Interface :
SDI-12, RS-485 (using SDI-12), or 4 … 20 mA
1.2 레이다 유속계(Surface Velocity Radar)

OTT SVR 100 is a simple, non-contact, compact surface water velocity radar sensor. Designed for measuring flow in open channels and rivers where reliable velocity data is required continuously, during floods or periods of high concentrations of suspended sediments.

The sensor is mounted above the water surface, away from floating debris using a flexible bracket for vertical or horizontal installation. Velocity measurements and sensor status information from the integrated vibration and tilt sensor is available via SDI-12 over RS-485 and Modbus. It is also compatible with OTT Prodis 2 software for system calibration.

Usage Type :
Fixed installation
Highlights :
Identify data influenced by sensor movement (e.g., wind, traffic) using meta data from integrated vibration and tilt sensors
fields :
Non-contact surface velocity 
data logger :
Measurement range :
0.08 ... 15 m/s (0.26 … 49 ft./s)